Chamber of Construction and Building Materials Industry of Slovenia


Arhiv: Video clip from event Building of a future transport infrastructure projects in Slovenia - developmental opportunity or necessity?, 12th november 2014

There is a video available from the conference>>>

 Objectives of the organization of professional conference:
• To create a platform for establishing better communication and information flow.
• To connect the large government and private institutions and clients.
• To produce high-quality conclusions from the meeting, that will help to complete the Resolution on transport infrastructure and to implement it in practice
• To include banks in the debate on financing of future projects.
• To continue activities even after the conclusion of the conference.

More info:



CCBMIS shortly:

          Representing interests of the construction industry

          Key statistics information for the construction companies and entreprenuers

          Proposals for sectoral legislation changes

          Social (sectoral) partner

          Organizations of sectoral events and training

          Involved in national education and training for construction industry

          Promotion of good foreign sectoral good practices

          Active FIEC member (