CCIS and CCIS CCBMIS projects
Check CCIS`s overview of all present and past national and European projects.
Current CCIS CCBMIS projects:
GREEN ROOFS: Green Roofs Technician Training Program, 2024-2027, Erasmus + KA2-VET
RENOINVEST: Roundtables enhancing smart investments in sustainable renovation of buildings, LIFE Project Grant, 2023-2026
GREET CE: Green transition in Central Europe, Interregional Innovation Investments Instrument - I3 Project Grants- I3-2022-CAP2b
BIM4D: Developing green and digital skills for the use of BIM at endof-life practices, 2024-2026, Erasmus + KA2-VET
CE-PRINCE: Green PRocurement and Innovation Network for Circular Economy, Central Interreg, 2024-2026
CONSTRUCTION BLUEPRINT 2: Strategic Alliance for skills development under the Pact for Skills for the Construction sector, 2025-2028, re
f. 101187470, Erasmus+, Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices
Past CCIS CCBMIS projects:
RIBI- Restructuring in the building industry, 2009-2010, DG EMPL call
PROFILI - Designing a cross-border service platform to improve the processes of a wider area of construction, 2011-2014, ITA-SLO cross border, INTERREG
SODICO - Post-Crisis Social Dialogue in the Construction Industry, 2011-2022, DG EMPL call
REBIRTH - Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry, 2011-2014, LIFE+ call
ISO-CONSTRUCT - Validation of competences of unskilled workers in the construction sector applying ISO 17024 standards, 2013-2015, LdV Transfer of Innovation
BU.G.S.: Building Green Skills, 2014-2016, PROGRESS call
BUILD HEALTHILY - Promotion of preventive practices to reduce muscular skeletal disorders among construction workers national co-financed project (by ZZZS), 2015-2016
SSHH: Soft Skills for Hard Hats - Developing managerial skills for construction, (Erasmus+), project results -web app, 2016-2018, Erasmus+ KA2
WINAPP: Short info- Work process oriented, interactively enhanced and APP supported learning and training in construction VET in Europe, Erasmus+ KA2
VET4LEC: Inclusive Vocational Education and Training for low energy consumption, 2017-2019, DG EMPL call
SKILLCO: Skills sector alliances for transfer of knowledge and skills of VET workforce in construction, 2016-2020, Erasmus+, Sector skills alliance, Lot2
UPP GAMES: Project for the learning of Basic Health and Safety skills on Works at Height through Serious Games (app), 2018-2020, Erasmus+ KA2
TYCON: Development and strengthening of the entrepreneurial competences of young builders, Erasmus+, 2018-2020, Erasmus+ KA2 VET
Si!BIM: Step into BIM – digitising VET, 2019-2020, Erasmus+ KA2 VET
ICONS: Innovation in CONstruction Sites, 2019 - 2021, Erasmus+ KA2 VET
SMEEGE: Small and medium Enterprises’ Executives Go to Europe, 2020-2022, Erasmus+ KA2 small scale
LET'S CAMPAIGN: 2020-2020, Erasmus+ KA2 -VET
EMBRAND: Employer Branding, 2020-2022, Erasmus+ KA2 VET
T4C: Talents4Construction, 2018-2020, Erasmus+ KA2 small scale
TAB4BUILDING: Training for architects and builders in the use of composites for the building sector, 2020-2022, Erasmus+ KA2 -VET
PEACOC: PErsonAlised e-Business Coaching for Construction SMEs, 2020-2022, Erasmus+ KA2 -VET
GUPP: Upgrading skills for EU Greener Public Procurements in Construction Works, 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080421, 2020-2020, Erasmus+ KA2 VET
ARTVET : Augmented Reality in Teaching in Construction VET, 2022-1-DE02-KA210-VET-000080803, 2022 – 2023, Erasmus + KA2 VET
ALL.CONSTRUCTION Blueprint, Skills Blueprint for the Construction Industry, 600885-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-SSA-B, Erasmus+, K3, centralized, 2019-2023, Erasmus+ Lot3
Health and Safety Blueprint, EASME/COSME/2018/033, 2018-2020, EASME/COSME
BUNG: Developing nearly zero energy building skills through game based learning, 2020-1-FR01-KA202-079997, 2020-2023, Erasmus+ KA2 VET
GREEN GROWTH: Green Growth Competences to face the circular economy challenge in the building sector,2020-1-ES01-KA202-083246, 2020-2023, Erasmus+ KA2 VET
Digi-CVET: Developing transversal digital competences for digital Continuous Vocational Education and Training in construction, 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000025109, 2021 – 2024, Erasmus + KA2 VET
DIG-IN-KPI: Digital transformation is making its way into businesses - developing key performance indicators to boost sector productivity, 2022-1-SI01-KA210-VET-000083218, 2022 - 2024, Erasmus + KA2 VET
SEETHESKILLS: Sustainable EnErgy Skills in construction: Visible, Validated, Valuable, No. 101033743 (topic: LC-SC3-B4E-2-2020), 2021-2024, Horizon2020
CAPABLE: Building capacity of Public Authorities towards meeting Public Building stock Renovation challenges,2021-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000035307, 2022 - 2024, Erasmus + KA2 VET
BUILDING MATTERS: Mitigating climate change transition risks of the construction sector through building capacity in sustainable building materials, 2022 – 2024, Erasmus + KA2 VET
BUILDOFFSITEEU: Offsite industry towards innovation in the construction sector, 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000087862, 2023-2024, Erasmus+ KA2 VET
CCIS CCBMIS is interested to be project partner in new project ideas (Erasmus+ , DG EMPL social dialogue calls, CInterreg Programme, I3, Horizon Europe, LIFE+, ...).
Please send your project proposals or project invitations to make a telephone call to: + 386 1 5898 246.