Chamber of Construction and Building Materials Industry of Slovenia

CCIS and CCIS CCBMIS projects

Check CCIS`s overview of all present and past national and European projects.

Current CCIS CCBMIS projects:

GREEN ROOFS: Green Roofs Technician Training Program, 2024-2027, Erasmus + KA2-VET
RENOINVEST: Roundtables enhancing smart investments in sustainable renovation of buildings, LIFE Project Grant, 2023-2026
GREET CE: Green transition in Central Europe,  Interregional Innovation Investments Instrument - I3 Project Grants- I3-2022-CAP2b
BIM4D: Developing green and digital skills for the use of BIM at endof-life practices, 2024-2026, Erasmus + KA2-VET
CE-PRINCE: Green PRocurement and Innovation Network for Circular Economy,  Central Interreg, 2024-2026
CONSTRUCTION BLUEPRINT 2: Strategic Alliance for skills development under the Pact for Skills for the Construction sector, 2025-2028, ref. 101187470, Erasmus+, Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Past CCIS CCBMIS projects: 

RIBI- Restructuring in the building industry, 2009-2010, DG EMPL call
PROFILI - Designing a cross-border service platform to improve the processes of a wider area of construction, 2011-2014, ITA-SLO cross border, INTERREG
SODICO - Post-Crisis Social Dialogue in the Construction Industry, 2011-2022, DG EMPL call
REBIRTH - Promotion of the Recycling of Industrial Waste and Building Rubble for the Construction Industry, 2011-2014, LIFE+ call
ISO-CONSTRUCT - Validation of competences of unskilled workers in the construction sector applying ISO 17024 standards, 2013-2015,  LdV Transfer of Innovation
BU.G.S.: Building Green Skills,  2014-2016, PROGRESS call
BUILD HEALTHILY - Promotion of preventive practices to reduce muscular skeletal disorders among construction workers national co-financed project (by ZZZS), 2015-2016
SSHH: Soft Skills for Hard Hats - Developing managerial skills for construction, (Erasmus+),  project results -web app,  2016-2018, Erasmus+ KA2
WINAPPShort info- Work process oriented, interactively enhanced and APP supported learning and training in construction VET in Europe, Erasmus+ KA2
VET4LEC: Inclusive Vocational Education and Training for low energy consumption, 2017-2019, DG EMPL call
SKILLCO: Skills sector alliances for transfer of knowledge and skills of VET workforce in construction,  2016-2020, Erasmus+, Sector skills alliance, Lot2
UPP GAMES: Project for the learning of Basic Health and Safety skills on Works at Height through Serious Games (app), 2018-2020, Erasmus+ KA2
TYCON: Development and strengthening of the entrepreneurial competences of young builders, Erasmus+, 2018-2020, Erasmus+ KA2 VET
Si!BIM: Step into BIM – digitising VET, 2019-2020, Erasmus+ KA2 VET
ICONS: Innovation in CONstruction Sites, 2019 - 2021, Erasmus+ KA2 VET
SMEEGE: Small and medium Enterprises’ Executives Go to Europe, 2020-2022, Erasmus+ KA2 small scale
LET'S CAMPAIGN: 2020-2020, Erasmus+ KA2 -VET
EMBRAND: Employer Branding, 2020-2022, Erasmus+ KA2 VET
T4C: Talents4Construction, 2018-2020, Erasmus+ KA2 small scale
TAB4BUILDING: Training for architects and builders in the use of composites for the building sector, 2020-2022, Erasmus+ KA2 -VET
PEACOC: PErsonAlised e-Business Coaching for Construction SMEs, 2020-2022, Erasmus+ KA2 -VET
GUPP: Upgrading skills for EU Greener Public Procurements in Construction Works, 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080421, 2020-2020, Erasmus+ KA2 VET
ARTVET : Augmented Reality in Teaching in Construction VET, 2022-1-DE02-KA210-VET-000080803, 2022 – 2023, Erasmus + KA2 VET
ALL.CONSTRUCTION Blueprint, Skills Blueprint for the Construction Industry, 600885-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-SSA-B, Erasmus+, K3, centralized, 2019-2023, Erasmus+ Lot3
Health and Safety BlueprintEASME/COSME/2018/033, 2018-2020, EASME/COSME
BUNG: Developing nearly zero energy building skills through game based learning, 2020-1-FR01-KA202-079997, 2020-2023, Erasmus+ KA2 VET
GREEN GROWTH: Green Growth Competences to face the circular economy challenge in the building sector,2020-1-ES01-KA202-083246, 2020-2023, Erasmus+ KA2 VET
Digi-CVET: Developing transversal digital competences for digital Continuous Vocational Education and Training in construction, 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000025109, 2021 – 2024, Erasmus + KA2 VET
DIG-IN-KPI: Digital transformation is making its way into businesses - developing key performance indicators to boost sector productivity, 2022-1-SI01-KA210-VET-000083218, 2022 - 2024, Erasmus + KA2 VET
SEETHESKILLS: Sustainable EnErgy Skills in construction: Visible, Validated, Valuable, No. 101033743 (topic: LC-SC3-B4E-2-2020), 2021-2024, Horizon2020
CAPABLE: Building capacity of Public Authorities towards meeting Public Building stock Renovation challenges,2021-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000035307, 2022 - 2024, Erasmus + KA2 VET
BUILDING MATTERS: Mitigating climate change transition risks of the construction sector through building capacity in sustainable building materials, 2022 – 2024, Erasmus + KA2 VET
BUILDOFFSITEEU: Offsite industry towards innovation in the construction sector, 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000087862, 2023-2024, Erasmus+ KA2  VET

CCIS CCBMIS is interested to be project partner in new project ideas (Erasmus+ , DG EMPL social dialogue calls, CInterreg Programme, I3, Horizon Europe, LIFE+, ...).  
Please send your project proposals or project invitations to   make a telephone call to: + 386 1 5898 246. 


CCBMIS shortly:

          Representing interests of the construction industry

          Key statistics information for the construction companies and entreprenuers

          Proposals for sectoral legislation changes

          Social (sectoral) partner

          Organizations of sectoral events and training

          Involved in national education and training for construction industry

          Promotion of good foreign sectoral good practices

          Active FIEC member (